Health Model
As a Chiropractor I don't heal anybody. I turn the bodies natural ability to heal itself. I do this through adjustments to the spine freeing up nervous interference. I also address the underlying cause of the lack of health and wellness through lifestyle improvements; nutritional, emotional, and physical. I don't address diseases or pathologies I address the lack of health. We need a paradigm shift in our approach to health problems. We put too much focus on finding the cure for pathologies and not the cure for health and wellness.
The healthier you are the better your ability to heal youself or even better yet to prevent getting sick in the first place. Taking into consideration the power of attraction I don't promote lifestyle changes to heal a pathology but to increase health and wellness. We acquire what we focus on. We are told to excercise, eat correctly and have stratagies for stress to prevent disease not to increase health. An example is one excercising so they wont have cardiovascular disease or eating better to prevent cancer. We are giving ourselves the wrong message that we could have these diseases. Instead our focus needs to be on health and wellness, the power of attraction.
The lifestyle I promote is an alkaline lifestyle. We are alkaline by design and acidic by function. We need alkaline substances for most all of our biochemical processes and most of our cells waste products are acidic. We need to eat and drink mostly alkaline. Stress causes the release of acidic chemicals. Regualr physical activity helps flush the acidic chemicals out of our body.
Each person needs a specific lifestyle. We are not all the same. I give each person a specific protocal or lifestyle. We need to listen to our body.
When we eat something and have a negative reaction it should probably be avoided. Some people react well to high impact axcercise and some better to low impact excercise. Finding a strategy for stress is also individual, some people do well with self meditation and some need to talk with someone.
Our bodies are amazing we have more capacity than we are led to believe by modern medicine today. We are miraculous and life is precious. We need to treat it as such and focus on health and wellness it's a natural gift.